Just need to take one more moment for House of Pain here, for making what historians to this day still consider one of the most innovative contributions to the field of cultural appropriation of all time (being legitimately Irish American**, but pretending to be Irish American from another city thousands of miles away).

**Also Latvian, according to Wikipedia, but the point holds!

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“the guest of honor almost didn’t come because he had previous plans to watch the Bruins game on tv“

This cracked me up for some reason. I’m just imagining his girlfriend and/or mom yelling at him, “YOU ARE NOT WATCHING HOCKEY YOU ARE GOING TO THE KOWLOON, DAMMIT!” I’ve driven by the Kowloon but have never actually been there- I need to remedy that!

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The Kowloon!! That and the big orange T-Rex are my two favorite Saugus landmarks. (I don't live in MA now, but I did for years and years, and those two spots are just peak MA.)

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It has been and continues to be depressing that the pumpkin baby monster was voted into office again. How things have changed since I cast my first vote in 1972; hint: it wasn't for Tricky Dick. It will be for historians to delve into the reasons the country has followed this path. It wasn't inevitable. How much may be a result of the diversification and tribalization (I made up that word) of infotainment that people consume via the Internet/Social Media versus various forms of journalism. I have no idea what schools teach these days (no children). They weren't great in my day, as one of my history books said all labor strikes were instigated by communists. Perhaps the schools can't compete with the Internet. Wishing everyone well.

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dear josh,

thank you for this piece as always.

always happy to receive this message: "A lot of people have been sharing George Carlin’s words lately, and aside from the incisiveness of the jokes themselves, I think something really beautiful he did was ending his shows by saying 'Take care of yourself…and take care of somebody else' It’s the a call to the best impulses and abilities we have, as people."

take care!



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Now is the time for us non-Trumpian voters to focus on the self (love, care, growth, etc.) that we’ve been hearing about for years. The world is big but also small and we should put our energy into the small while Trumpsters stomp on the big. Your newsletter today started off with this in mind perfectly- 1st by joking about the electoral college & then turning the idiom “3rd times a charm” on its head. Thank you for that.

Me, well I have some physical healing to do and I’m focused on my family - which also is helping me heal.

Thanks for your newsletter

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