Last year during a petty argument about housework I got to land what I thought was the death blow "I took all the ornaments off the tree the first week in January, but it's mid February and you still have not taken the tree down."

It turns out my husband really enjoys seeing the lights in the window as he comes down the block to return home, so we've embraced it. It was a slim apartment sized tree to begin with, it fits neatly squished into one window at the end of our couch, and now it is our year-round tree. Certain times of year we decorate it for life events, last year for his birthday I bought a happy birthday garland for it and covered it with small bits of paraphernalia and gift certificates to his favorite dispensary. But mostly it just sits in the window free of ornaments, lit with little twinkling lights. There's something cozy and calming about it, even if our neighbors think we're insane.

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I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!! Genius.

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dear josh,

great piece as always. thank you for amplifying the places to help folks in LA.

also, this is great: "By purchasing a replacement ladle (matching or otherwise) and forgiving your wife’s friend, you are basically mastering the tenets of buddhism. You will achieve enlightenment beyond your wildest dreams. It is difficult to let go of a well-earned resentment, but the rewards of making peace are much greater than the benefits of feeling furious and smug and wounded forever. Unless you prefer to quietly hold it over her head forever in which case that option is figuratively on the table (as opposed to literally putting a new ladle on the actual table)."

and this is true and appreciated: "your life will probably be full of wonderful experiences and connections and entertainment with or without TikTok."

thank you for sharing as always!



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Thank you, Myq!

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The Husbands sounds so interesting! I’m going to add it to my Libby list. Thanks for the recommendation.

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It’s extremely delightful!

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Thank you for the laughs in the hellscape. It really helps!

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if it's not a real tree, the writer can feel free to leave it up all year long. call it a different thing every month, depending on what holiday it is. have a Passover Tree! have a Labor Day Tree! have a Casimir Pulaski Day Tree! (that one only valid in Illinois or in the presence of Sufjan Stevens)

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Re: tree. My sister made a wonderful cloth tree for my husband for Christmas ‘23, but he did not live to see it. It’s covered with fairy lights and a delight to see at any time.

If you don’t want to keep the big tree up into the summer (your choice!) get yourself a personal pan tree for all your festive needs.

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These are nice thoughts from a good person, thank you for sharing them and for the effort you put into being you.

Now, my problem! I don’t know what the spleen does. I have looked it up both in summary and once in great detail, but every time I just forget again.

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Thanks for the reminder that there's always something I/we can do to help, without waiting or needing to be told <3

And thanks from my heart, as always, for making me laugh! You're absolutely the best :D

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I live deeper in the woods. It does mitigate many of the suburban woes but comes with its own. Like crappy internet. The scourge of dogs running loose can happen anywhere, though.

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If neighbourhood kids aren't total jerks, there are lots of things you can do to distract them! Buy them a large box of chalk and ask them to do your driveway!

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Two people stopped to help me when I tripped dramatically while crossing the street (but crucially DIDN'T fall all the way to the ground, crucial as I was also wearing my baby in a carrier) last week. Thank you for the fun pep talks!

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Just what I needed to start another week. You are a breath of funny, fresh air.

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