Happy New Year! I could use a pep talk on my resolution: I want to say "yes" to more things this year and not worry about looking foolish. As a 60+ year old you'd think I would be over that but it's a tough habit to break. Also, I worry that at my age more things will look foolish - like wearing a pair of Powerpuff Girls Dunks?
This is such a wonderful resolution! I think those Dunks will make you look spry! And who are you worried about looking foolish in front of? They're just people too!
My resolution is to keep my expectations focused around taking care of myself and my relationships, not on external achievements or markers of success. I’ve had a shitty few years and what feels most important to me right now is finding a way to consistently and lovingly show myself kindness, whatever this year brings!
Happy New Year, Josh! After a 2023 that was sort of chaotic, I want to try and live 2024 more intentionally. I want to avoid getting to December and feeling like I spent another year careening from work project to work project while never getting around to other things that are important to me!
You can totally do this! Even if you're not checking off big things like "climb Mt. Everest" you can absolutely do things like "make time for friends" and "watch that movie I've been meaning to see."
Happy New Year! My résolution this year, or more my “theme” is “Asking”- for help, for things, for support, for info. I am always worried about how my ‘ask’ is going to go over, so I just figure stuff out on my own and it’s draining me. So in the spirit of the thing, can I get a pep talk to help get over the fear of asking?
You can do this! The worst thing that happens in almost any instance of asking for something is that the other person says no. SO SO SO rarely does it cause any lingering resentment or ill will. Probably most people will forget they said no very quickly. And, often, they say yes!
I'm going to try and say "sorry" less, but I'm British and a woman and that makes it hard, because now I'll have to actually engage with people instead of just looking feeble and like a wind might break me while I apologise. I'd like to try replacing "sorry" with "fucking right I did!" but I'm unsure how that will play...
Hahahaha I love this goal and believe in you! Honestly, my hot take is that sure, some people apologize more than is necessary, but that's way less of a problem than the WAY MORE people who don't apologize nearly enough!
My husband went to the dentist for the first time since I have known him (we have been together 11 years) and he didn’t have ANY cavities! But he did have lots of deep pockets and things to be taken care of. I’m so proud of him and you for finally going.
Happy new year! I want my house to be a little more full of music in the new year, especially to share some new music with my 6 yo. (I mean, just like putting more CDs on.) (We have been listening to a lot of "This Year" right now.)
I got sideswiped by stupid Michael Pollan a few months ago when I read How To Change Your Mind and he said, leading into his first mushroom experience, that he “wanted to be less stingy with [his] emotions.”
That’s what I’m working on for 2024 - being generous with my emotions. As a Bostonian, I’m pretty good at not being stingy with anger and disdain (jk, I’m an only child so I’m good at not being stingy with those to myself).
I want the people I love to both know and feel that I love them.
i love you and i love all of this AS USUAL but also even more than as usual!
i like this take: "The first time I saw The Big Lebowski, I was thrilled by how silly a movie made for grownups by serious filmmakers could be."
i also love all the resolutions people sent in, like this one that i like a lot: "In the new year, I would like to go easier on myself, do more things just because/without overthinking, and take pride in compliments I receive and not just jokingly deflect them!"
i ALSO love all the people's signoff names. did THEY do that? or did YOU do that? either they are great or you are great and surprise i think you're all great.
my main goal/resolution (other than ones i set every year like reading goal, be more physically active, etc.) is to travel for an actual vacation! i visit my parents 1-2 times a year and go visit friends where they live but pretty rarely go somewhere more than 2 hours away that's just for fun. the idea makes me p anxious but also excited!
Happy New Year! I could use a pep talk on my resolution: I want to say "yes" to more things this year and not worry about looking foolish. As a 60+ year old you'd think I would be over that but it's a tough habit to break. Also, I worry that at my age more things will look foolish - like wearing a pair of Powerpuff Girls Dunks?
This is such a wonderful resolution! I think those Dunks will make you look spry! And who are you worried about looking foolish in front of? They're just people too!
My resolution is to keep my expectations focused around taking care of myself and my relationships, not on external achievements or markers of success. I’ve had a shitty few years and what feels most important to me right now is finding a way to consistently and lovingly show myself kindness, whatever this year brings!
Happy New Year! Great pic of you & Maris - spiffy glasses, on both of you, too.
I just wanted to say I enjoyed your Breaking the Seal metaphor 😂
Thank you!!
This is beautiful and you deserve it!
Happy New Year, Josh! After a 2023 that was sort of chaotic, I want to try and live 2024 more intentionally. I want to avoid getting to December and feeling like I spent another year careening from work project to work project while never getting around to other things that are important to me!
You can totally do this! Even if you're not checking off big things like "climb Mt. Everest" you can absolutely do things like "make time for friends" and "watch that movie I've been meaning to see."
Happy New Year! My résolution this year, or more my “theme” is “Asking”- for help, for things, for support, for info. I am always worried about how my ‘ask’ is going to go over, so I just figure stuff out on my own and it’s draining me. So in the spirit of the thing, can I get a pep talk to help get over the fear of asking?
You can do this! The worst thing that happens in almost any instance of asking for something is that the other person says no. SO SO SO rarely does it cause any lingering resentment or ill will. Probably most people will forget they said no very quickly. And, often, they say yes!
My New Year's Resolution is to clap back more often. I really do mediate and empathize way too much.
I am already living in terror of the new you!
I'm going to try and say "sorry" less, but I'm British and a woman and that makes it hard, because now I'll have to actually engage with people instead of just looking feeble and like a wind might break me while I apologise. I'd like to try replacing "sorry" with "fucking right I did!" but I'm unsure how that will play...
Hahahaha I love this goal and believe in you! Honestly, my hot take is that sure, some people apologize more than is necessary, but that's way less of a problem than the WAY MORE people who don't apologize nearly enough!
I shall take this and run with it... whilst also screaming "fucking right I did!" even when it makes no logical sense. Huzzah!
My husband went to the dentist for the first time since I have known him (we have been together 11 years) and he didn’t have ANY cavities! But he did have lots of deep pockets and things to be taken care of. I’m so proud of him and you for finally going.
We did it!
Happy new year! I want my house to be a little more full of music in the new year, especially to share some new music with my 6 yo. (I mean, just like putting more CDs on.) (We have been listening to a lot of "This Year" right now.)
This sounds like so much fun!
I got sideswiped by stupid Michael Pollan a few months ago when I read How To Change Your Mind and he said, leading into his first mushroom experience, that he “wanted to be less stingy with [his] emotions.”
That’s what I’m working on for 2024 - being generous with my emotions. As a Bostonian, I’m pretty good at not being stingy with anger and disdain (jk, I’m an only child so I’m good at not being stingy with those to myself).
I want the people I love to both know and feel that I love them.
This is so beautiful, and you'll have infinite opportunities to give this new plan a whirl!
Happy New Year, Josh!
Thank you and happy new year to you!
dear josh,
i love you and i love all of this AS USUAL but also even more than as usual!
i like this take: "The first time I saw The Big Lebowski, I was thrilled by how silly a movie made for grownups by serious filmmakers could be."
i also love all the resolutions people sent in, like this one that i like a lot: "In the new year, I would like to go easier on myself, do more things just because/without overthinking, and take pride in compliments I receive and not just jokingly deflect them!"
i ALSO love all the people's signoff names. did THEY do that? or did YOU do that? either they are great or you are great and surprise i think you're all great.
happy new now!
Love you too! (I usually do the sign off names!)
my main goal/resolution (other than ones i set every year like reading goal, be more physically active, etc.) is to travel for an actual vacation! i visit my parents 1-2 times a year and go visit friends where they live but pretty rarely go somewhere more than 2 hours away that's just for fun. the idea makes me p anxious but also excited!
You can do this!!! You deserve it!!