A^2 + B^2 = ABBA?

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I think that is not necessarily true!!! A^2 x B^2 = ABBA seems right to me?

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Crap, you’re right. I guess there is no Swedish Pop Quadratic Equation 😭

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Thank you for this. You’re so good at these. It was needed.

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Thank YOU!

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Is it weird to say that I still regularly lament the absence of new Make My Day episodes from my podcast feed? Oh well, I guess I'm weird. That podcast got me through some TIMES.

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I'm so glad the podcast resonated with you!!! Hopefully I'll have something else cooking soon. :)

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You know, I was thinking recently...I don't actually think refraining from comparing yourself to others is POSSIBLE in our society. All of life is set up so that you compare yourself to others!

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Oh, and I just saw that Ask Amy consulted with you in her column from yesterday! https://www.washingtonpost.com/advice/2024/01/07/ask-amy-partner-mean-jokes/

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When might you have a gig in DC?

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Ooo I love DC! I was there last August, so probably early this fall!

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The math people were wrong!

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Alison thank you this means the world to me!

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I’m excited about Jami’s new book as a longtime 1,000 Words fan and now I’m even more excited to hear that you’re in it, Josh!

I also love this: “It’s good to clap.”

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Josh. Have you ever (would you ever?) consider teaching some kind of online comedy writing workshop situation? If the answer to that is a firm no or a flaccid meh, do you have any recommendations for comedy writing workshops from your vast network of very funny friends? I'm willing to barter for this information. I feel like I must have some knowledge that might be of value to you. I can recommend a really great mustard I recently discovered?

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Oh! Maybe sometime I'll do something like that! My friend Mike Lawrence has been doing something similar, and I believe his next one is tomorrow afternoon. He has the info in his Instagram stories!

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You continue to be the best, thanks so much, Josh! And I really hope you'll do a workshop someday! Also, I'm a woman of my word, so if you're in the market for a classic mustard, check out Kelley's Gourmet Stone Ground Mustard. It won a world-wide mustard competition award (!) and while I'm not a mustard expert, I thought it was very good.

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dear josh,

this is great! you are great!

and specifically, “Well, I’ve never heard Sisqo sing THOSE PAAAANTS PA-PANTS-PANTS-PAAAAANTS!” is GREAT!

love you!


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Jan 8, 2024
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