dear josh,

this is great! you're great! particularly great and resonant:

"So much of the work of standup (unless you sell out massive rooms, which I do not) is about making sure your act is STRONG and KILLS IN ANY ROOM. And while I have a humiliatingly New England attachment to GETTING THE JOB DONE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, it’s so so so nice to get to do creative work under the best possible conditions. It’s a similar feeling to being in a happy, healthy romantic relationship. It’s not that you don’t have to try, it’s that your effort is rewarded in the ways you’d hope it would. Input is multiplied, rather than diminished, in the output."

glad you got/get to experience that!

also, happy ten years of dating maris!

love you!



PS “Do you have metal or anything weird in your pockets?” is a fun question for the TSA to ask, and for you to point out. thank you for your service.

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Thank you, Myq!!!!

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Ha ha ha I am of that 10% 🔥🔥🔥

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You did a commendable job of keeping it shorter than usual. Which means you left me wanting more but also appreciating your consistency. Bravo!

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