it must be said: scam goddess was HILAROUS!

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Thank you! It was a lot of fun!

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I LOVE that Sunset Rubdown album! Also, pretty sure I heard that they are reuniting? So pretty excited for potentially more proggy indie rock with indecipherable lyrics that somehow still hit me in my soul?!?

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Hell yeah!

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Pep talk for Josh: I am going to channel my inner Bubbie here and urge you to get a health checkup soon! That nap from hell could be a sign of road weariness, or a sign of blood sugar instability. We love you and want to keep you around as long as possible! If you are already fastidious about your health, kindly ignore this kibitz.

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Hahah thank you, Judi I appreciate this! I should probably get a check-up soon, but I think it was truly the travel plus a giant lunch that put me out!

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Okay but the avocados are really good in California!

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That's why they invented visiting California, Aubrey!!!

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