Jul 22Liked by Josh Gondelman

For the reader, the show Claim to Fame on ABC is the ultimate in “turn my brain off, please” media. The third season just started, so there’s two seasons to catch up on.

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Ooo thanks for the heads up!

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Jul 22Liked by Josh Gondelman

To add to the reader pep talk, Moira Donegan wrote a beautiful piece for Lyz Lenz's newsletter last week: https://lyz.substack.com/p/looking-for-hope-in-a-harrowing-time. "Every history of oppression is also a history of resistance." I really like to focus on what others have done in times that have felt hopeless. On IG, @workingclasshistory and @zinneducationproject are great sources. There is so much rich and inspirational history of people doing amazing things with very little in really harrowing times. Also, find something, anything, to do every day or regularly. Getting out in the streets isn't the only way to get involved, and you need not put your health more at risk to feel useful. Share a story that is important to you. Get in touch with your city council or state rep about something local. If you have the energy and are able, find a local organization doing something cool that you can help with. Even if it feels small, I find that doing anything (even sending an email) feels so much better than doing nothing.

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I love this! Thank you, Cathleen!

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Jul 23Liked by Josh Gondelman

For the mentals, I recommend comedy podcasts— Adulting and Couples Therapy. RIP Bodega Boys. 💔

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Jul 23Liked by Josh Gondelman

To help me feel plugged in and, bonus, turn on dumb ass mode at the same time:

Late Night with Seth Meyers-he does the best Trump, usually has me laughing out loud and often winds up his monologue with something profound.

I've even been watching some of the repeats when he's been off for too long.

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I think Seth and the team do a great job!!

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Jul 23Liked by Josh Gondelman

“The blue screen of death, which is also what fish call the sky I bet.” 10/10 sentence this is why we come here 🙏

Also thank you for explaining CrowdStrike because my work was affected and I didn’t know how but now I can sound like I do. Hilarious and educational content once again this week, he don’t miss!!

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Jul 23Liked by Josh Gondelman

And glad y’all are feeling better!!

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Thank you so much!

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Jul 22Liked by Josh Gondelman

Such a joy to read! And those songs! Excellent!

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Thank you!! Glad you’re enjoying it!

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