thank you so much for the shout out !!!

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Of course!!! I love your newsletter!

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Ah, gee, sorry about Marcus Smart. On the other side of the country, that was me gasping, "They did WHAT?!"

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Truly brutal!

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It really is. A heck of a business. And, here, our franchise guy and pillar of the community saying, "I would like to play for Miami now, thank you very much." Very much of an "wait, what?" so I am quite sympathetic. Fandom, it's the best!

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I highly endorse planning one's wedding with complete disregard to other people's preferences and opinions. My wedding "cake" was a key lime cheesecake that I bought from the Cheesecake Factory the day before the wedding. They don't make you get a real cake for it to be legal!

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I love and co-sign this wisdom!

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My dog ran into her crate as I was reading her your pep talk but it likely was the cherry bomb explosion, nearby.

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Good advice, Drew. I feel like that was a setup, but I'm glad to particpate, in this case.

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Even if That Burrito Place is gone, I bet you'll find another! I'm very excited to check out Mic Drop for the first time to see you!

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I'm so excited about this trip and burritos. And double excited you're coming to the show!

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I was in San Diego last month & didn’t have burritos but had Fish Tacos in La Jolla (~30 miles North towards Irvine) at The Taco Stand that were very good!

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dear josh,

thank you as always for the thought and care you put into these!

on behalf of all the dogs and humans you are pepping for here, you're the best!



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Thank you!!! I hope you're having a restful weekend!

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Josh, you are Marvelous as always, however fireworks are not for our four legged friends. "Dogs have incredible perceptual and physiological senses. Canids can detect tones in a higher frequency range than humans can. A dog’s eyes allow them to see movement and light much better than people. Dogs have a large number of light collecting rods in their eyes which help them to see better at night or in low light. The average dog’s sense of smell is 100,000 to 1 million times more sensitive than that of the average person. Now imagine the booms and blasts on July 4th — not to mention the days leading up to the 4th and the days afterwards — and then understand that fireworks can be a very painful assault on your dog’s hyper-sensitive nervous system. The worst part is your dog can’t explain what’s happening to them." Want to know more so you can make the 4th more tolerable for your dog, I've got you covered.

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Ooh, how do I comfort my dog?

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You wrote 5/14

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I wrote it TWICE!

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