I saw the Beths a couple weeks ago, but they were the openers! I was glad we got there early enough to catch their set (we had seats; it was not a hardship) because they're so good! She also thanked everyone for being there because "I know it's not compulsory," so it seemed like she knows the mixed feelings about opening a show, lol.

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They're so good! (And seats make a big difference hahah!)

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I was fortunate to see The Beths as a headliner in June (also way in the back standing) and as opening act for The National in August - closer than the first time possibly and with seats. Both times amazing, definitely one of my recent fave bands.

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The opening act resonates with me — though the moment that most jumps to mind is when my band was once a closing act (i.e. AFTER the headliner).

Senses Fail played a show on an outside stage and the only way to leave the venue was by walking inside and out the front door. We were playing on the inside stage, watching most of the people leaving and being confused why there was still music going on. But a few dozen folks stuck around and we had an awesome time!

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Whoa that rules that it came out so well!

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Ty for your share. I'm always willing to give of self...🤗🤪...cheer up plz...we all need to stick together now, I'd say. In loving light may we all shine, toghther.

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That's a really nice way to put it!

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Ty. I'm interested in reading more of your stuff. I only half read this one. I'm super busy with my life shi*... I hope you are in a good place today...😉...take care!

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Bizzy’s costume is awesome!

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Stunning, imo!

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Ooooh, I love The Beths!

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So great, right?

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The first line is so real 😔

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Charlotte it is driving me up a wall!!!

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dear josh,

this is great as always. you are great as always. i particularly love "Tired, The Creator." great work!

and also, great work on the sentiment encapsulated in these paragraphs:

"There is such a wide chasm between SEEMING like a successful artist and BEING a successful artist. Especially because neither of those two things really has a definition. Who do you seem successful to? Your peers? The general public? Your parents’ friends who have literally no idea what your job actually is even though they ask a zillion pointed questions about it when you see them at holiday parties?

And what does BEING successful mean? Making the art you want to make? Making a living making that art? Making your exes jealous with the art-related photos you post on Instagram?"

and also all the rest of the paragraphs and non-paragraphs. great work!



PS dear everyone who is not josh, josh is great! read his stuff and watching his comedy! it is funny and meaningful!

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I thought about coming in from Chicago for that show but recalled I've already seen them twice this year. They're the best! Glad you saw them. Great song pick!

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I just saw The Beths at the beginning of the month! They opened for Death Cab for Cutie/Postal Service.

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