I almost responded on Twitter but chickened out. 10 years inspired me. Sober since August 1st. Awful awful experience but so much better on the other side. If anyone else is struggling…. You’ll be so much happier.
This holiday week my husband and I successfully potty trained our toddler!!! Still using diapers at night but no accidents during the day for the past two days. If I never have to change another dirty diaper it will still be too soon.
I've started writing for fun again! I took a long, unwanted hiatus because of work burnout and general life craziness but I've realized it makes me feel so much better mentally and I really missed it. I'm starting with a small goal of 250 words a day and hoping to increase it as I get back into a routine. This newsletter and these comments were so lovely to read - please make this a regular thing!!
I did one of my physical therapy exercises twice over Thanksgiving… It was just a total of six minutes of picking up marbles with my toes (for hammertoe) and dropping them in a little bucket, but I usually do approximately zero minutes of exercise per year, so yeah I’m doing pretty awesome rn 😎
My mother in law is a Michigan grad, and I am *from* Ohio. Despite not giving a buckeye about the outcome of the game, I graciously submit to her gloating when the Wolverines are victorious. Real “best son in law” shit 😆
It's been just over a year since I came through Atlanta for a show, so I think should be due to return soon! Fingers crossed it works out, and you'll hear about it here first!
I almost responded on Twitter but chickened out. 10 years inspired me. Sober since August 1st. Awful awful experience but so much better on the other side. If anyone else is struggling…. You’ll be so much happier.
Hell yeah this is great!!!
This holiday week my husband and I successfully potty trained our toddler!!! Still using diapers at night but no accidents during the day for the past two days. If I never have to change another dirty diaper it will still be too soon.
This is a HUGE quality of live improvement! Way to go!
I made this chair: https://lostartpress.com/collections/dvds/products/video-make-a-gibson-chair. I've always been terrible with my hands but I did everything patiently and carefully and it actually worked! If I didn't see it every day in my house I wouldn't believe it happened.
That's so thrilling!!!
I've started writing for fun again! I took a long, unwanted hiatus because of work burnout and general life craziness but I've realized it makes me feel so much better mentally and I really missed it. I'm starting with a small goal of 250 words a day and hoping to increase it as I get back into a routine. This newsletter and these comments were so lovely to read - please make this a regular thing!!
Wow this is a beautiful new groove you're in!
I did one of my physical therapy exercises twice over Thanksgiving… It was just a total of six minutes of picking up marbles with my toes (for hammertoe) and dropping them in a little bucket, but I usually do approximately zero minutes of exercise per year, so yeah I’m doing pretty awesome rn 😎
Well done everyone, keep it up!!! 👏👏👏
Great! Work!
My mother in law is a Michigan grad, and I am *from* Ohio. Despite not giving a buckeye about the outcome of the game, I graciously submit to her gloating when the Wolverines are victorious. Real “best son in law” shit 😆
Signed, O-H-! W-E-L-L!
Hahaha extremely generous!
Spiked DD Coffee sounds like a bad punishment for someone coming in last in a fantasy football league!
It was...not good!
I just got certified as a life coach.
Heck yeah!
Would you ever consider coming to Atlanta? To perform? Or just hang out.
It's been just over a year since I came through Atlanta for a show, so I think should be due to return soon! Fingers crossed it works out, and you'll hear about it here first!
Fingers and toes! But chagrined we missed you last year. That wrong will be righted!
It is my birthday on Wednesday! I am turning 40!
Happy birthday!
Thanks Josh. In celebration, please buy yourself or friends or some children some stickers.
John who? Isn’t he that New Zealand bird guy?
GREAT question!
Jk. Been a Bugler for a while
dear josh,
these victories are wonderful!
i love them all, thank you for sharing!
and i particularly love "The Visitine Empire"
great work!