Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

"All is not lost. Some is lost. But some isn’t all." fuckin' hell i needed this reminder too, thank you

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Here for you!!

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Life is rad: I attended my youngest nephew's high school graduation last week. He and my sister moved to Rhode Island when he was eight and for the first few years we worried that he wasn't thriving socially. Well, when he got up to get his diploma all these years later, a chorus of cheers went up from a good majority of the class, with his friends shouting out his (affectionate) nickname. It made me weep tears of joy and pride. Life is definitely rad sometimes.

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That's lovely!!!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

life is rad: I can't keep plants alive to save my life, but my new house has beautiful orange day lillies that are everywhere and grow like weeds with literally no human intervention. it delights me to see them endure both my region's horribly hot summers and my poor botany skills.

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Oh I love this!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

I needed this.

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Jun 18Liked by Josh Gondelman

Congrats to the Celtics!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

just found a new comedian who can be funny without being a dick, thanks!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

Life is rad: My first born grandchild is 16 years old today!!! I was actually blessed to be able to be in the delivery room to witness his birth, and that was a special honor for me. I love all 4 of my grandchildren--they are treasures to me, and this kid is all that and then some <3

Oh my gosh, that joke is a GREAT pick-me-up! So is your newsletter! You're the best!!! :D

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Jun 18Liked by Josh Gondelman

Thank you! And holy smoke--your pep talk was fire, wasn't it?!! How 'bout them Celtics! :D

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I'm so happy for them!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

dear josh,

thanks for this as always!

"Years ago, my friend Gary Gulman introduced me to the idea of marking a lovely occasion with the Vonnegut quote, 'If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.'"

love you, love gary, love vonnegut, love this, love to all!


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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

For anyone who clicks the Ryan Goodcase link for the "counting" joke, it starts around 5:01, if you are crunched for time and can't watch all 8min (you should tho!)

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Ahhh I tried to embed it at that point! Shoot!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

They will be fine. Nobody likes a 4-0 finals, so the 2nd place team gets a game to remember at home and life goes on. Same for the NHL. Leave the fans all warm and fuzzy and their heroes can ride off into the sunset. Is it kosher? Probably not. Is it human? Absolutely.

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Fingers crossed!

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Jun 18Liked by Josh Gondelman


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You called it!

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Jun 17Liked by Josh Gondelman

Excellent pep talk, Josh. Thank you!

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Thank YOU!

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